Posts by category
- Category: Stories
- Category: Blogs
- Category: Current
Prayer Guides
Podcasts & Videos
- Carla Harding (NL)
- Over de hele wereld
- Carla Harding (ES)
- Alrededor del Mundo
- Carla Harding (DE)
- Auf der ganzen Welt
- Tania Harris (NL)
- Carla Harding (FR)
- Partout dans le monde
- Tania Harris (FR)
- Where Will Your Best Prayers Take You?
- Fostering and Adoption: A Kingdom Vision of Family
- How to Build a House of Prayer
- Awakening the Next Generation
- Worship and Prayer in the Context of Community
- Crafting a Rule of Life
- Radiance Restored: Revealing Beauty as Christians
- Making Space for Prayer in Schools
- The History and Practice of 24-7 Prayer Rooms
- New to 24-7 Prayer? Start here.
- “May They Be One”
- Lessons from the Frontline: Learning from Ukraine
- How to Test and Weigh the Prophetic
- Worship at Heart: Exploring the Treasures of the Catholic Church
- The 24-7 Community Networks – who, what and why!
- The God Story
- God Dreams: Hearing God in Dreams and Visions
- Building a Presence-centred Church
- Experiencing God in Crisis
- When God Says "Go"
- Live Special: Pete Greig Unpacks 25 Years of Prayer
- Carla Harding
- Around the Globe
- Tania Harris
- Tyler Staton
- Pete Greig
- Czechia: When a Prayer Room Hits the Streets
- Worldwide: A Movement of Prayer in Schools
- South Africa: How Do I Contribute to Reconciliation?
- USA: What Is the Place of the Prophetic in the Church?
- The Netherlands: Is God raising up the next generation?
- England: How to Start Impacting Your Community
- Ibiza: Prayer Walking around “The Forgotten City”
- Malaysia: Courage in the Face of Persecution
- USA: The Discipleship of Justice
- Iran: Finding Joy in Prison and Persecution
- Austria: A Catholic Perspective on Prayer
- Ireland: When All We Have Is Silence
- South Africa: Church of Caged Lions
- Peru: Could Revival Spread from the Centre of the Incan Empire?
- Worldwide: Be True to Christ, Be Kind, Go!
- Youth: Help!
- England: “Go where your best prayers take you”
- Pete Greig (ES)
- Lebanon: Praying through a Revolution
- Dr. Maximilian Oettingen (ES)
- Sarah Breuel (ES)
- Pete Portal (ES)
- Around the World (ES)
- Pete Greig
- Panel with Pete Greig, Dr Maximilan Oettingen, Carla Harding and Dr. Markus Beranek
- Dr. Maximilian Oettingen
- Sarah Breuel
- Pete Portal
- Around the World
- Curating Spiritual Gifts: Lessons from 1 Corinthians
- Raising up a Revival Generation
- Drawing closer to God
- The heart of 24-7 Prayer: The what, why and how of prayer rooms
- Purpose Driven Leadership
- How the spirit of worship transforms prayer
- Unlocking Mental Health through Listening
- An introduction to the Order of the Mustard Seed
- Our mission to schools, the call of the church to education
- An introduction to 24-7 Prayer Communities
- Prayer on the Streets
- Unity in the City: Catalysts for change in Peru
- Anti-Racist Mission: Every tribe, every tongue, every nation
- Can we talk about justice without talking about porn?
- Community transformation in an unpredictable world
- Keeping mission at the heart of our communities
- Evoking a move of God amongst students throughout Europe
- How to build a house of prayer
- A Vision for Youth & Ukraine
- Session 6: Success is... Power and Participation
- Session 5: Success Is... Being a Faithful Presence in the Culture Wars
- Session 4: Success is... Transforming Over Transferring
- Session 3: Success Is... Growing in Depth rather than Volume
- Session 2: Success Is... Pursuing Relationship over Relevance
- Pilgrimage Day 21: Rest and Reflect
- Session 1: Success Is... Following God’s Calling over Good Ideas
- Pilgrimage Day 20: Holy Ground
- Pilgrimage Day 19: The Lindisfarne Gospels
- Pilgrimage Day 18: Deep Dive
- Pilgrimage Day 17: Anam Cara (Soul Friend)
- Pilgrimage Day 16: War and Peace
- Pilgrimage Day 15: Saint Cuthbert
- Pilgrimage Day 14: Celtic Mission and Learning
- Pilgrimage Day 13: Celtic Justice and Hospitality
- Pilgrimage Day 12: Celtic Creativity and Prayer
- Pilgrimage Day 11: A Spirituality of Walking
- Pilgrimage Day 10: Caring for Creation
- Pilgrimage Day 9: Silence and Solitude
- Pilgrimage Day 8: Island Life
- Pilgrimage Day 7: Spiritual Fathers
- Pilgrimage Day 6: Imitation of Christ
- Pilgrimage Day 5: Call of the Wild
- Pilgrimage Day 4: Meet the Celts
- Pilgrimage Day 3: Aidan's Call
- Pilgrimage Day 2: The Little Fiery One
- Pilgrimage Day 1: Columba of Iona
- An Introduction to Pilgrimage
- The Power of the Prophetic | Jim Laffoon
- Hope for the City | Adam and Rachel Dyer
- Ministry in the Power of the Spirit | Ben Jones
- This Cultural Moment: How to Really Change the World | Jason Clark
- Technology and Discipleship | Tim May and John Wyatt
- Discovering Your Purpose | Hannah Miller
- Mental Health and Faith | Jason Clark and Margaret Bristow
- Understanding this Cultural Moment | Damilola Makinde
- Dating and Being Single in the Church | Lauren Windle
- Contending for Women to Rise | Ness Wilson
- Finding God in the Darkness | Sammy Greig, Rich Wilson, and Beth Redman
- Parenting in the Midst of Cultural Chaos | Nick and Becky Drake, Leah Chilengwe, Pete Wynter, and Anna Smith
- Building Furnaces of Prayer | Alice Chapman, Jill Weber, and Charlie Kang
- The Sound Emerging in Worship | Rich and Lydia di Cas
- Does God care how I dispose of my yoghurt pot? | Hannah Bowring and Becky Ingamells
- Finding God in the Darkness | Sammy Greig, Rich Wilson, and Beth Redman
- Catch the Fire | JD Walt
- Walking in the Ancient Paths | Jonny Hughes and Tyler Staton
- How the Spirit Leads Us to Justice | World Vision
- Distinctively Christian Leadership | Ken Costa and Pete Wynter
- Every Tribe and People | Simon Benham, Natalie Williams, and Wole Agbaje
- Decisions Are Made By Those Who Show Up | Andy Flannagan
- Asbury Revival Interview with J.D. Walt
- Writing Another Story for Our Lives - Pete Greig
- Wild Fire - Damilola Makinde
- Buried in the Land of Our Inheritance - Tyler Staton
- Writing Another Story for Our Communities - Ken Costa
- Writing Another Story for Our Lives - Rachel Hughes
- Holy Fire - Pete Hughes
- Contemplate: Hearing God in the whole world
- Pray: Responding to God in prayer and prophecy
- Meditate: Hearing the Holy Spirit in our thoughts
- Read: Hearing God in the Bible
- Introducing Lectio Divina
- Anxiety, Depression, and Emotional Programmes for Happiness
- Lungi Nyathi ES]
- Hannah Heather [ES]
- Tyler Staton [ES]
- Tim Mackie [ES]
- Pete Greig [ES]
- Around the World [ES]
- Lungi Nyathi
- Hannah Heather
- Tyler Staton
- Tim Mackie
- Pete Greig
- Around the World
- Order of the Mustard Seed (OMS)
- Sacred Spaces: How to Host Prayer Spaces in Schools
- Discerning the Spirit from the spirits
- Prophets, Artists and Prophetic Art in Scripture
- Embodying our Prayers for the Climate Crisis
- Where’s the Red Moon?
- How To Start A Fire: Creating Campaigns That Spark Change
- Rumblings of Revival: Is There a Youth Revival Stirring in our World Right Now?
- Pursuing Revival Among Students in Europe
- Prayer on the Streets
- How to Run a Prayer Room: An Interactive and Practical Guide
- Reconciliation Across Culture, Class, Nationality, and Racial Lines
- Herrnhut 02
- 8 - Repeat
- From Languishing to Renewal
- 7 - Endure
- 6 - Yes
- 5 - Ask
- 4 - Rejoice and Reflect
- 3 - Pause
- 2 - Who Do We Pray To?
- 1 - Why Pray?
- Session 2: Lucy Hill
- Session 3: Tyler Staton
- The Wildfires of The Spirit - Rachel Hughes
- The Spirit of Courage and Power - Jay Pathak
- The Spirit of Wisdom - Damilola Makinde
- The Spirit of Hope - Stephen Chandler
- The Spirit of Comfort - Rich & Ness Wilson
- Day 11 – Pentecost Sunday
- Day 10 – Come, Holy Spirit
- Day 9 – Life to the Dead
- Day 8 – Suffering
- Day 7 – Unfading Beauty
- Day 6 – The Chosen
- Day 5 – Build Your House
- Day 4 – Spiritual Milk
- Day 2 – Finding Identity in Christ
- Day 3 – Longing
- Day 1 – Ascension
- Post-Traumatic Growth | Off the Script Lab
- Being Revival Ready | Off the Script Lab
- Burning Down the House | Justice Lab
- Pandemic, Prayer & Prophetic Imagination | Justice Lab
- Exploring Revival | Revival Lab
- Healing in an Everyday Way | Revival Lab
- Re-imagining Mission | Theology Lab
- Session 1: Danielle Strickland
- Exiles on Mission | Theology Lab
- Session 1: Encounter
- Session 2: Scripture
- Session 3: Wonder
- Session 4: Hiddenness
- Session 5: Mission
- Tuesday Night
- Monday Night
- Sunday Night
- Monday PM
- Monday AM
- Sunday PM
- This Culture Moment Podcast LIVE at Wildfires Festival 2019
- Rachel Hughes
- Jon Tyson & Pete Hughes
- Pete Greig
- Maxi Oettingen
- Hannah Heather
- Pastor Agu Irukwu
- Alain Emerson
- Songs of Engagement (Seminar) - Aaron White & Ralf Neumann
- Songs of Intercession (Seminar) - Yemi Adedeji & Carla Harding
- Building a Praying Community (Seminar) [Spanish] - Aitor & Loida
- Songs of Reconciliation and Harmony (Seminar) - Nathi Mbuyazi & Lisa Koons
- Songs of Holy Disruption (Seminar) - Jill Webber
- The Gospel call to be political (Seminar) - Pete Portal
- An introduction to the OMS (Seminar) - Pete Ward
- Songs of Hope, Lament and Loss (Seminar) - Alain Emerson
- Es diferente, más difícil, tarda más, y es mejor - John Mark Comer (Español)
- Different, Harder, Longer, Better - John Mark Comer (English)
- Anders, Härter, Länger, Besser - John Mark Comer (Deutsche)
- Una esperanza ferviente - Lisa Koons & Alain Emerson (Español)
- Prayerful Hope - Lisa Koons & Alain Emerson (English)
- Gebetsvolle Hoffnung - Lisa Koons & Alain Emerson (Deutsche)
- Un vaso lleno - Jonathan Tremain Thomas (Español)
- A Full Cup - Jonathan Tremain Thomas (English)
- Ein voller Becher - Jonathan Tremain Thomas (Deutsche)
- La esperanza en tiempos extraños - Hannah Heather (Español)
- Abnormal Hope - Hannah Heather (English)
- Abnormale Hoffnung - Hannah Heather (Deutsche)
- Es hora de escalar - Pete Greig (Español)
- Zeit zum hochklettern - Pete Greig (Deutsche)
- Time to Climb - Pete Greig (English)
- Session 7: Adam Heather - The Overflow of Family
- Session 3: Becca Jupp - The Overflow out of Community
- Sunday Main Session - Adam Cox
- Saturday Main Session - Miriam Swaffield
- Friday Main Session - Pete Greig
- Thursday Main Session - Dr. Johannes Hartl
- The Word
- Selah
- The Magi
- Joseph
- Elizabeth
- Anna the Prophetess
- Mary
- St Catherine of Siena
- Jeanne Guyon
- A. W. Tozer
- Martin Luther King Jr.
- Charles Haddon Spurgeon
- Morning Worship
- The Journal
- Creatividad
- The Chair
- Time
- Series Trailer
- Merry Christmas
- All the People Includes You
- All the People Includes All Nations
- All the People Includes Your Hometown
- All the People Includes Friends
- All the People
- Great Joy Is the Word
- Great Joy Is Belonging
- Great Joy Is Strength
- Great Joy Is Found in Presence
- Great Joy Is a Gift
- Good News Is Security
- Good News Is Forgiveness
- Good News Is Hope
- Good News Is Grace
- Good News Is Peace
- Fear Not
- Trailer
- A New Eden
- Love: Waiting
- Love: Working
- The Mother/The Servant
- The Loved Betrayer
- Hospitality
- Costly Love
- Blind Eyes Opened
- Mary: Revolutionary
- Mission
- A Rhythm of Prayer, Mission & Justice
- Peter: Rock
- Light in the Darkness
- Trailer
- The Word Is Here
- The Word Goes On
- The Word Is a Gift
- The Word Is Light
- The Word Becomes Flesh
- The Word Connects
- The Word and Mission
- The Word Sustains
- The Word Sets Free
- Life Without the Word
- Conviction of the Word
- Remembering the Word
- Praying the Word
- Discipline of Reading the Word
- Meditate on the Word Day and Night
- Reading the Word
- The Word Overcomes Temptation
- "Now Let Us Begin" // Pete Greig // Sunday Main Session
- "A New Hope" - Danielle Strickland // Friday Main Session
- "All Things New" // Carla Harding // Thursday Main Session
- Easter Sunday
- Holy Saturday
- Good Friday
- Hospitality
- Learning
- Creativity
- Justice
- Mission
- Prayer
- Introduction
- Episode Twenty Three
- Episode Twenty Two
- Episode Twenty One
- Episode Twenty
- Episode Nineteen
- Episode Eighteen
- Episode Seventeen
- Episode Sixteen
- Episode Fifteen
- Episode Fourteen
- Episode Thirteen
- Episode Twelve
- Episode Eleven
- Episode Eight
- Episode Nine
- Episode Ten
- Episode Seven
- Episode Six
- Episode Five
- Episode Four
- Episode Three
- Episode Two
- Episode One
- Trailer
- EuroGathering Madrid 14 - Alan Scott (Thurs Night)
- EuroGathering 2014: Pete Portal (Sat Morning)
- EuroGathering Madrid 14: Hannah McVeigh (Fri Morning)
- EuroGathering Madrid 2014: Pete Greig (Sunday AM)
- Introduction
- A Son Is Given
- He Will Be Called
- Everlasting Father
- Prince of Peace
- The Greatness of His Government
- The Greatness of His Peace
- He Will Reign
- That Time on and Forever.
- Selah
- Christmas Day
- Zeal
- Righteousness
- Justice
- Establishing and Upholding
- Mighty God
- Wonderful Counsellor
- The Government Will Be on His Shoulders
- A Child Is Born
- Trailer // Advent 16
- #1: Introduction
- #2: W/ Brian Heasley
- #4: Hope in the Wilderness
- #5: W/ Scot Bower
- #6: W/ Scot Bower
- #10: W/ Pete Greig
- #11: W/ Pete Greig
- #12: W/ Pete Greig
- #17: W/ Kiri Kankhwende
- #20: W/ Brian Heasley
- #22: W/ Brian Heasley
- #23: W/ Brian Heasley
- #27: W/ Hannah Heather
- #33: W/ Bishop Angaelos
- #34: W/ Bishop Angaelos
- #35: W/ Bishop Angaelos
- #32: W/ Joel Edwards
- #31: W/ Joel Edwards
- #30: W/ Joel Edwards
- #29: Peace in the Wilderness
- #28: W/ Hannah Heather
- #24: Faith in the Wilderness
- #21: W/ Brian Heasley
- #19: Worship in the Wilderness
- #18: W/ Kiri Kankhwende
- #16: W/ Kiri Kankhwende
- #15: W/ Kiri Kankhwende
- #14: Truth in the Wilderness
- #13: W/ Pete Greig
- #9: Transformation in the Wilderness
- #8: W/ Scot Bower
- #7: W/ Scot Bower
- Trailer
- Episode nine - Zaccheus: Living up to names // Climbing trees
- Episode ten - Zaccheus: Demading Responses // Climbing Down
- Episode Eleven - Zaccheus: Counter Culture // Mercy and Judgement
- Episode Twelve - Zaccheus: Consumerism and Generosity // Giving your heart
- Episode Thirteen - Zaccheus: Called // Saved
- Episode fifteen - Mary of Bethany: Broken and Distraught // Meeting in the tears
- Episode Nineteen - The Adulterous Woman: Caught in the act // Jesus in the crowd
- Episode twenty one - The adulterous woman: Throwing stones // The appearance of grace
- Episode twenty two - The adulterous woman: Costly love // Easter on display
- Episode twenty three - The adulterous woman: Outrageous love // Outrageous grace
- Episode twenty four - Judas: Doing enough // Chose, accepted and loved
- Episode twenty five - Judas: Derailed // Two masters
- Episode twenty six - Judas: Called and sent // Changing the world
- Episode twenty seven - Judas: Distorted worship // Still moments
- Episode twenty eight - Judas: Honoured guests // he loved betrayer
- Episode twenty nine - Malchus: Empowered and weak // Overpowered and healed
- Episode thirty - Pilate: Asking and waiting // Freedom from truth
- Episode thirty one - Barabbas: The substitute // Son of the father
- Episode thirty two - Mary: The mother // The servant
- Episode Thirty Five - Mary Magdalene: Speaking Names // A New Eden
- The Anagnorisis Series Follow up // Can You Help?
- Episode thirty four - Doubting Thomas: Endorsed questions // Living in Saturday
- Episode thirty three - The thief on the cross: The moment of salvation // The back wall
- Episode twenty - The adulterous woman: Moses or Rome // Imprisonment or cowardice
- Episode eighteen - Mary of Bethany: Boldness and Courage // An act of love
- Episode Seventeen - Mary of Bethany: Model Disciple // Being exposed
- Episode sixteen - Mary of Bethany: Practical solutions // Extravagant worship
- Episode fourteen - Mary of Betgany: Inappropriate places // The seat of a Disciple
- Episode two- PETER: Sinking // Failure or Adventure?
- Episode three - PETER: Restoration and commission // Traitor or Trusted?
- Episode four - The Samaritan woman: Will you give me a drink? // Crossing dirt boundaries
- Episode five - The Samaritan Woman: Living water // Failing To Receive
- Episode six - The Samaritan woman: a word of knowledge // Being unlocked
- Episode seven - The Samaritan Woman: I am that one // The centre of our circumstance
- Episode eight - The Samaritan Woman: Invitation // Excluded to Includer
- Episode one - PETER: Fishing // Loser or Leader?
- Advent 2013-Day 25: Our Father
- Advent 2013-Day 24: God so Loved
- Advent 2013- Day 23: Love one another
- Advent 2013-Day 22: Live in Love
- Advent 2013-Day 21: A new heart
- Advent 2013-Day 20: Abounding love
- Advent 2013-Day 19: Son is given
- Advent 2013-Day 18: Simple joy
- Advent 2013- Day 17: Remain in Me
- Advent 2013-Day 16: God's song
- Advent 2013-Day 15: Mary's song
- Advent 2013-Day 14: Simeon's song
- Advent 2013-Day 13: Joy to the World
- Advent 2013-Day 12: Rest
- Advent 2013-Day 11: Gods whisper
- Advent 2013- Day 10: Take Heart
- Advent 2013-Day 9: Access all areas
- Advent 2013- Day 8: Peace on Earth
- Advent 2013- Day 7: World in his Hands
- Advent 2013-Day 6: Hope is Here
- Advent2013- Day 5: Hope is Coming
- Advent 2013-Day 4: Take Hold
- Advent 2013-Day 3: People of Hope
- Advent-Day 2: Are you thirsty?
- Advent 2013-Day 1: Light in the darkness
- A rhythm of prayer, mission and justice
- Real people, real Prayers
- Pray Continually
- Sanctuary
- Be Still
- Gateways and Perspective
- History and Haunting
- Prayer and Mission:Introduction
- Prayer and Mission Series: Trailer
- Love:Weeping
- Love:Winning
- Love:Waiting
- Love:Working
- Love:Walking
- Love:Wrestling
- Love:Worshipping
- Purpose in the Word
- Armed with the word
- Trailer
- A Time to See
- A Time for silence
- A Time for hope
- A Time for community
- A Time to choose
- A Time for Worship
- A Time for Justice
- A Time to Welcome
Team Members
Join In
- Reconciliation, Sabbath
- Love In Action
- God Makes Things New
- The Good News
- We’re In Charge!
- God Gave Us A Job!
- Jesus At The Centre
- Reconciliation, Sabbath
- How To Love One Another
- HERO DAY: Saint Valentine
- All The Same
- One Body
- All The Same
- Reconciled With Others
- Reconciliation, Sabbath
- A Nap and a Snack
- Don’t Compare
- Well done!
- God Is With Us
- Amazing and Wonderful
- Reconciled to Myself
- Jesus Speaks, Sabbath
- ‘Go And Wash’
- ‘Do Not Be Afraid’
- ‘Tell The People To Sit Down’
- HERO DAY: Teresa of Ávila
- ‘Stand Up’
- ‘Your Son Will Live’
- Jesus Speaks, Sabbath
- Follow Me
- Seek First What God Wants
- Don’t Judge Others
- Change Your Hearts And Lives
- Love God, Love Others
- Obey My Commands
- Jesus Speaks, Sabbath
- Who Touched Me?
- Who Do You Say I Am?
- Why Do You Worry?
- HERO DAY: John Wimber
- Who Is More Important?
- Why Do You Call Me Lord?
- The Three Loves - Sabbath
- Loving the World: Mission
- Loving the World: Learning
- Loving Others: Justice and Mercy
- Loving Others: Hospitality
- Loving God: Creativity
- Loving God: Prayer
- Sabbath Prayer
- Facing Challenges
- Turning Around
- Sadness and Sorrow
- New Year’s Day
- Memorable Moments
- Being Thankful
- A Sabbath Prayer for Advent
- Follow the Star
- Good News Messengers
- Angel’s Song
- The Perfect Gift
- At Home in Jesus
- The Good Shepherd
- A Sabbath Prayer for Advent
- Joy!
- Trusting God
- Impossible!
- HERO DAY: Christina Rossetti
- No Shame
- Family Tree
- A Sabbath Prayer for Advent
- Simeon Waited
- Herod Was Afraid
- Doing the Right Thing
- Zechariah’s Prophecy
- Zechariah’s Praise
- Setting the Scene
- A Sabbath Prayer for Advent
- The Smallest Town
- A New Branch
- His Name Will Be…
- HERO DAY: Georg Schmidt
- Light in the Darkness
- Immanuel, God with Us
- Advent Sabbath
- The Light of the World
- Christ’s Ambassadors
- God’s handiwork
- Children of God
- Made by God
- Citizens of Heaven
- Names of God, Sabbath
- The Water
- The Fire
- The Oil
- HERO DAY: William Seymour
- A Dove
- The Wind
- Names of God, Sabbath
- Light of the World
- The Vine
- The Resurrection and the Life
- The Good Shepherd
- The Door
- The Bread That Gives Life
- Names of God, Sabbath
- Jehovah Shalom
- Jehovah Nissi
- I AM
- HERO DAY: Amy Carmichael
- El Olam
- El Shaddai
- Six Practices, Sabbath
- Looking and Listening
- God’s Word
- Remember
- Sweet Tooth
- Treasure Chest
- God’s Map
- Six Practices, Sabbath
- All The Earth
- Pray for Peace
- Good News
- HERO DAY: Eugene Peterson
- Learn About Love
- God’s Unfailing Love
- Six Practices, Sabbath
- Sleep Well
- God’s Promises
- God Our Home
- God’s Feathers
- Safe At Night
- Safety and Protection
- Six Practices, Sabbath
- God’s in Charge
- Slow To Anger
- God’s Nostrils
- HERO DAY: Óscar Romero
- God Loves Justice
- Justice Foundations
- Six Practices, Sabbath
- Trusting God
- Being Honest
- Praying for Healing
- Praying for Others
- Asking for Help
- Giving Thanks
- Six Practices, Sabbath
- Music And Singing
- Awesome Wonders!
- Huge Universe
- HERO DAY: George Müller
- We Are All Creative!
- God’s Creativity
- How to Pray, Sabbath
- Using the (S)Word
- Jesus’ Victory
- Forgive others
- Forgive us
- Hearing God
- How to Take a Real Rest
- How to Pray, Sabbath
- Asking for Others
- Disappointment
- Asking for Ourselves
- HERO DAY: Betty Greene
- Great Delight
- Being Still
- How to Pray, Sabbath
- Keep It Up
- Keep It Real
- Happy Birthday 24-7 Prayer!
- Keep It Simple
- Making Space
- Jesus Prayed
- Sabbath Prayer
- God's Word
- Stillness
- Treasures
- Nikolaus von Zinzendorf
- God is Awesome
- Walking and Talking
- Love One Another, Sabbath
- Mary Magdalene
- Thomas, Jesus’ Disciple
- Peter, Jesus’ Friend
- Peter, Jesus’ Follower
- Joseph, Jesus’ Dad
- Mary, Jesus’ Mum
- Love One Another, Sabbath
- A Great Friendship
- Choose Kindness
- True Friendship
- Being Friends Through Good And Bad
- An Unlikely Friendship
- Love One Another, Sabbath
- Love One Another
- Music & Song
- Be Kind
- Do Good
- Good Gifts
- Show Love
- Love One Another, Sabbath
- Wear Love
- Love Your Neighbour
- Jesus, Our Guide
- HERO DAY: Benedict of Nursia
- Reaching Out
- Good Friends
- Mark’s Gospel, Sabbath
- Who’s in Our Group?
- Who is the Greatest?
- I Do Believe, Help My Unbelief
- Jesus’ Transfiguration (Part 2)
- Jesus’ Transfiguration (Part 1)
- Living Jesus’ Way
- Mark’s Gospel, Sabbath
- Jesus Predicts His Death
- Jesus Is The Christ
- The Blind Man
- Mary Jones
- Confused Disciples
- Asking Questions
- Mark’s Gospel, Sabbath
- Gifts and Resources
- Making Things New
- Speaking Well
- Jesus Cares
- Kind Hearts
- Healing, Inside and Out
- Mark’s Gospel, Sabbath
- Don’t Be Afraid!
- Going Nowhere
- Alone-Time
- HERO DAY: Enoch Sontonga
- Thank You
- What Have You Got?
- Mark’s Gospel, Sabbath
- Come With Me
- Travelling Light
- Rejected
- Just Trust Me
- Accepted
- Jesus Frees Us
- Mark’s Gospel, Sabbath
- Jesus Stops The Storm
- Mustard Seeds
- Another Story About Seeds
- HERO DAY: Catherine and William Booth
- Don’t Hide Your Light
- More About Planting Seeds
- Mark’s Gospel, Sabbath
- A Story About Planting Seeds
- Jesus’ Family
- It’s Not Always Easy
- Jesus’ Team
- Rest is Important
- God’s Mercy
- Mark’s Gospel, Sabbath
- Sabbath Rules
- Jesus, Fasting and Feasting
- Jesus and Levi
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