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24-7 Communities

Eklesia House Church Network

Örebro, Sweden
Eklesia House Church Network

Meet the community

Eklesia House Church Network is a community of believers who gather in their homes to share life, faith and mission. Eklesia consists of three house churches at the moment, two in the city of Örebro, Sweden, and one in a small village outside of the city called Mullhyttan.

Every week people meet with their house church to eat, worship, learn, share life and grow in discipleship with Jesus and each other. Every month we have a gathering with all the house churches to build relationship and grow with the wider family. A couple of times a year we also host 24-7 Prayer weeks with the whole network and sometimes also together with other churches in the city.

Eklesia has had a long friendship with 24-7 Prayer, and at the 2021 Gathering we were commissioned as the first 24-7 Prayer community in Sweden.

Our story

In 2009 a few young adults started meeting in a living room with a vision to find new ways of being Church to reach new people. We had a longing for more of Jesus in everyday life, more of the Holy Spirit at work in and through us and a longing to see church really become family. We met to worship, pray and seek a deeper intimacy with God and each other, to grow in discipleship and find ways to lead people to Christ in a natural way in everyday life. From that small group of young people Eklesia House Church Network was born.

The vision ever since has been; community centred around Jesus Christ that lives, breathes and births worship, discipleship and mission.

We love family, food and fun! We love worship, creativity and going with the flow of the Spirit! And more than anything, we love Jesus!