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How to Pray



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What is prayer?

What is prayer?

We have hand picked some a prayer ideas to help you get started

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Lent and Easter Prayers

Lent and Easter Prayers

Explore resources to help you pray during Lent, Holy Week, and Easter.

Creative prayer activities, individual devotionals, and teaching series to help you go deeper in prayer during Lent and Easter.

Lent and Easter prayer stations

Holy Week Prayer Activities

These prayer activities, inspired by different points in Jesus’s last few days before the Crucifixion and Resurrection, help us focus our hearts and minds during this season.

They are designed to be adaptable, so you can engage with them in your home, either by yourself or with your family; or they can form part of a community prayer room.

Never run a 24-7 Prayer room?

Easter is an incredible time to start! Learn how to activate your community in prayer:

Pray through Lent with Lectio 365

Lectio 365 is our free devotional app to help you pray the Bible every day. This Lent, the series ‘Wilderness Tales’ will reflect on the stories of Biblical characters and communities and how they lean on God and each other in seasons of wilderness. 

‘Wilderness Tales’ Prayer Activities

The 24-7 Prayer Great Britain team have designed creative prayer activities for Lent around the theme of ‘Wilderness’.

Use these prayer activities in a Lent prayer room, in your small groups, or in your private prayer.

Beginner’s Guide to Fasting

Lent is a season that invites us into fasting – giving something up to create more space to seek God. This blog tells the story of what happened in one person’s life when she started to fast during Lent. If you’re considering giving something up for Lent, or you want to be encouraged by God’s faithfulness, take a few minutes to read this blog.

Fasting in Lent

God on Mute

For those struggling with unanswered prayer or feeling like God is distant, God on Mute is a raw, honest and hopeful look at prayer in seasons of pain and doubt. The latest edition comes with a 40-day devotional suitable for Lent.

Video Devotionals for Lent

Over the years, our teams have created different devotional series exploring a variety of themes for Lent. Some of them are podcasts and some are short videos, perfect for spending a few minutes with Jesus.

Video devotionals for Lent