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How to Pray



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What is prayer?

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Origins Course

The Origins course is a free prayer course to help 11- to 16-year-olds explore prayer, and learn how to pray.

The Course 

Origins is a youth prayer course which helps young people to explore the basics of how to pray.

With an easy-to-access PDF leader guide and accompanying video sessions, Origins has been fully revised with new content, practical ideas and reflective teaching.

Origins will help young people to learn about prayer, how to pray and develop regular prayer habits, individually and as a group.

Download the Intro to Origins PDF

The Sessions 

There are eight Origins sessions which cover:  

Why do we pray?
Who do we pray to? 
P: Pause
R: Rejoice
A: Ask
Y: Yes
E: Endure
R: Repeat

Each session contains different sections:

Aim – what each session will do
Get Started – an introductory thought or discussion question
Go Deeper – a short piece of teaching on the week’s theme
Encounter  – an interactive activity to do as a group
Action point  – something to do during the week

I’m a youth leader, how do I run this? 

Origins is completely free. The whole course can be accessed as a downloadable PDF, or accessed as individual PDF sessions if this works better for your context. The free video content which accompanies each session can be accessed from the PDF, or via YouTube.  

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The Origins Course

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