This Advent, pause and pray the Christmas story every day with Lectio 365 and Lectio for Families.
The Journey to Jesus series will be running on both apps, with daily content focused on the Christmas story as told in the book of Luke.
The new Lectio for Families app is designed to help families to read the Bible, explore faith and pray together.
The app is launching with the Christmas Journey to Jesus series, featuring daily reflections, Bible passages and questions to talk through together.
Morning prayers on Lectio 365 will feature daily content to help you pause and pray the Christmas story every day.
The series will follow the usual P.R.A.Y structure: P-ausing, R-ejoicing and Reflecting, A-sking, and Y-ielding. Each Sunday there’s a special Advent sabbath to pray.
Night prayers are also Advent themed, with daily reflective content to help you prepare for sleep and look forward to Christmas.
Join the journey by downloading Lectio 365 on App Store or Google Play.