4 Min Read
20 October 2021
We’re so excited about Brian Heasley’s new book, Be Still: A Simple Guide to Quiet Times.
Brian is our International Prayer Director, and we love his heart for inspiring others to pray. So, we asked Brian a few questions about the story behind Be Still, and also more info about our small group resource, The Be Still series
The inspiration is my desire to communicate a valuable discipline in a way that helps a generation to pray and grow in their devotional lives. I’ve been doing this for 30 years, and thought to myself, “What would I want my adult sons to know if I was to give them some advice as to how to sustain their faith?”
During the Coronavirus Pandemic I felt the challenge of not being able to meet in larger gatherings, and started asking, “how do we sustain our faith when we can’t just be fed by a church meeting each week?” I absolutely love church meetings and believe they are essential, but I also know that we need more, and a quiet time is part of this.
My writing process really began by looking back over the last 5 years of my journal writing, and the things I had been teaching on whilst out and about. I looked at what people seemed to respond to; and also I did some short videos on Instagram which people seemed to love.
I then tried to put it into some form of coherent process; then Tracy, my wife, gave me so much help in actually making it coherent! I think this book works well for any Christian: you can use it if you are new to Christian faith and also use it as a refresher if you have been journeying a long time with Jesus and the daily quiet time.
The Be Still series will help any small group or church who are serious in growing in this discipline of quiet times. There are five sessions which are based on five chapters of the book. Although the Series does stand alone, alongside the book, you’ll get to explore even more themes and go deeper outside of the sessions.
My hope is that this book will ignite people’s quiet times; that they will be drawn into regular encounter with Jesus and that as this happens, they will become more effective in outworking their faith in everyday life. My dream is that this book will strengthen people to live missionally and reflect Christ to a world that so desperately needs Him.
You can buy Brian’s new book online or from all good bookshops.