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    A new rhythm for a new year

    Mary Purkiss

    4 Min Read

    10 January 2022

    *Beep* *Beep* *Beep*

    You roll over, and reach for your phone or alarm clock, to quickly stop the loud noise. After a few seconds your brain catches up with your body as you get ready for whatever is awaiting you on this brand new day…

    But have you ever taken the time to recognise what your first thought is, each day?

    Perhaps you’re already reeling off a list of things you need to do; perhaps it’s a cry of help or anxiety, or maybe it’s an acknowledgement of tiredness or weariness.

    Recently, I’ve been thinking about how different my day could be, if instead of one of the above responses, my first thought is to intentionally focus on God. So this year, I’m making a new habit for the first moment of every day.

    But practically, how do we do this?

    1. Go to bed with God on your mind

    Try reading the Bible just before bed; end the day with the Examen prayer; have a notebook to write down every thought or action with God or pray through a list.

    Whatever you choose, the way we end a day helps shape how we wake up the next day.

    2. Begin the day with God’s word

    Have your Bible close to hand, so it can be one of the first things you grab in the morning. You also might like to pick a short verse and memorise it:

    This is the day the Lord has made; [I will] rejoice and be glad in it” (Psalm 118:24 ESV)

    “The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning” (Lamentations 3:22-23 ESV)

    “For the Lord is good; his steadfast love endures forever” (Psalm 100:5 (ESV)

    You can also ask  the Holy Spirit to help you find a verse that God wants you to wake up with – memorise it – maybe you could do a Bible study, so you really understand it.

    There is power in our words and in our voices. So wake up and don’t just think it –  say it. Even if you don’t quite believe it, or your voice is doing that weird croaky morning thing – declare it over your day.

    Now, the start of this new year, is a great time to get a routine in place so you can start every day with your thoughts fixed on God: the One who knows your every thought and is with you in all things.

    Build a daily prayer habit

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    Mary Purkiss
    Mary Purkiss

    Mary works as a youth pastor in the UK and has a desire to find creative ways to see people introducing Jesus into their lives as a key, heroic character.