Week: 3 Loves, 6 Practices
As usual, each day we will simply pray (P.R.A.Y.) together.
P: PAUSING to be still.
R: REJOICING with a Memory Verse and REFLECTING on some verses from the Bible.
A: ASKING God to help us and others.
Y: saying YES to God’s ways.
We start by pausing and taking a deep breath:
In and out.
In and out.
We remember that God is here, and so together we prepare ourselves to be with God.
Lord Jesus, as we start this new year together, we remember that You are with us. Our minds are ready to learn more about You, our hearts are ready to receive more from You, and our hands are ready to do more for and with You. Come, Lord Jesus.
We REJOICE and celebrate God’s goodness with this week’s memory verse:
Read by Max
1 John 4:16
God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in them.
1 John 4:16 (NIV UK)
God, help us to remember Your Word.
Today, we’re REFLECTING on a time when Jesus got sad and angry because people are being treated unfairly.
Read by Max
Matthew 21:12-13
Jesus went into the Temple and threw out all the people who were buying and selling there. He turned over the tables of those who were exchanging different kinds of money, and he upset the benches of those who were selling doves. Jesus said to all the people there, ‘It is written in the Scriptures, “My Temple will be called a house for prayer.” But you are changing it into a “hideout for robbers.”’
Matthew 21:12-13 (NCV)
Jesus was sad and angry because of the injustice He could see all around Him – poor people were being cheated and treated unfairly by the money changers and the market stall owners. And so Jesus put things right. That’s what justice is all about – making things fair and right.
Let’s press pause and talk about today’s question, which is: What injustice do we feel sad and angry about? What needs to be put right?
And now, we ASK God to help us and others.
Lord Jesus, we ASK You to open our eyes to see the unfairness and injustice in the world, and also in the places where we live and study and work. Help us – give us the courage to make things right wherever we can – even if it’s something small.
Let’s offer to God the issues of injustice that we were talking about just now.
Heavenly Father, some of the things that we feel sad and angry about seem huge and overwhelming – things like war and poverty and discrimination and the effects of Climate Change – but we know that You can do all things, and so we ASK You to make things right.
As we read the Bible again, let’s listen for a word or a phrase that the Holy Spirit might want to say to us from today’s verses.
Matthew 21:12-13
Jesus went into the Temple and threw out all the people who were buying and selling there. He turned over the tables of those who were exchanging different kinds of money, and he upset the benches of those who were selling doves. Jesus said to all the people there, ‘It is written in the Scriptures, “My Temple will be called a house for prayer.” But you are changing it into a “hideout for robbers.”’
Matthew 21:12-13 (NCV)
What word or phrase stood out from today’s Bible verses?
And now, let’s say YES to God together.
Father God, we say YES to seeking Your justice and mercy wherever we can – making things fair and right in the world.
After enjoying this time with God and each other, let’s say our memory verse together:
1 John 4:16
God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in them.
1 John 4:16 (NIV UK)
Let’s put a hand on our heart.
Father God, fill us with Your love. Help us to love You, and everything that You’ve made.
Let’s point to our eyes.
Lord Jesus, help us to see You, and to see others the way that You see them too.
Let’s point to our ears.
Holy Spirit, help us to hear You, and give us courage to do what You say.
Unathi lives in Johannesburg, South Africa, with her husband and 5 kids; and has a passion for seeing families thriving.
You’ll most likely find her homeschooling the tribe, reading, writing, or dreaming about the next DIY project.
She also loves good coffee, dark chocolate and hiking.
Max is 9 years old and lives in Melbourne, Australia with his older brother and mum and dad. He often rides his bike to school and enjoys being creative by drawing or building with Lego. Max is also learning how to play the electric guitar and loves turning it up loud!