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24-7 Communities


Lurgan, Northern Ireland
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Meet the community

Emmanuel’s Vision is to help rewrite the story of Craigavon, Ireland and the nations with the good news of the Kingdom of God.

Through our vision we seek to create a compelling picture of a preferred future; a dream we are living for, and to which we aspire. This is something that we will spend our whole lives longing to see and give our lives for whether we see it in our lifetime or not.

Our Story

On 8th September 1996 Emmanuel Church was birthed in the living room of our founders, Phil and Jill Emerson. The church was founded on a deep hunger for the presence of God and a longing to reach the lost and broken. Over the years the church community has outgrown a number of different venues each with their own encouraging story of faith and testimonies of many coming to saving faith in Jesus. God led us to our current ‘home’, a massive 37,500sqft venue, in the centre of Lurgan, on Castle Lane in 2013.Along the way we have seen many of our dreams to serve our community come to pass. Over the years we felt the Lord began to redefine the vision for the church, and our vision statement was born,‘to help rewrite the story of Craigavon, Ireland and the Nations with the good news of the Kingdom of God’. The wider Craigavon area is centred around two main towns, Lurganand Portadown, and the initial concept of creating the new city of Craigavon in the1960s involved joining Lurganand Portadown together into one large city.While many parts of this project failed to liveup to the original aspiration, the dream of a flourishing City in this area is something we as a church feel strongly God wants to redeem. So after years of planting and establishing Emmanuel Lurgan and witnessing a measure of breakthrough in that town we sensed the Spirit prompt us that it was time to now plant a stalk of who we are into the neighbouring, Portadown. During a year of prayerful discernment and prayer-walking the Lord confirmed, through the scriptures and prophetic words, His plans for us to establish a church in Portadown. Emmanuel Portadown gathered for its first service together in December2017 and it’s been a joy to watch God converge together a community committed to seeing the transformation of our city. Together Emmanuel Lurganand Emmanuel Portadown sense the Spirit calling us to give our lives to see a strong apostolic resource base established in our areas which will be a launch-pad for mission and church planting in the nation.As we have witnessed the Lordincrease our senseof influence inthe nation it became clear we needed to put more focus and resource into this growing aspect of our church, and so ‘Tobar’ was formed. ‘Tobar’ is the name that is given to the apostolic outworking of everything we do in Emmanuel Church. Through this we seek to see other churches planted in the nation, and several other churches have begun to covenant together with us in Kingdom relationship, in what we call the ‘Tobar Family of Churches’.