Week: Voices of Advent
Each day we will simply pray (P.R.A.Y.) together.
P: PAUSING to be still.
R: REJOICING with a Memory Verse and REFLECTING on some verses from the Bible.
A: ASKING God to help us and others.
Y: saying YES to God’s ways.
We start by pausing and taking a deep breath:
In and out.
In and out.
We remember that God is here, and so together we prepare ourselves to be with God.
Lord Jesus, we’re looking forward to celebrating Your birth this Christmas. Help us to be still amongst all the planning and the preparations, to rest in Your presence and remember what and who we are celebrating.
We REJOICE and celebrate God’s goodness with this week’s memory verse:
Read by Selah
Luke 1:46-47
Then Mary said, ‘My soul praises the Lord; my heart rejoices in God my Savior.’
Luke 1:46-47 (NCV)
God, help us to remember Your Word.
Today, we’re REFLECTING on Jesus’ family tree.
Read by Selah
Matthew 1:1,16
This is the family history of Jesus Christ. He came from the family of David, and David came from the family of Abraham. Jacob was the father of Joseph. Joseph was the husband of Mary, and Mary was the mother of Jesus. Jesus is called the Christ.
Matthew 1:1,16 (NCV)
In the time when the Bible was written, people didn’t value women very much. For example, most family trees only listed men’s names, so it’s a big surprise and a big deal that Mary is listed in Jesus’ family tree! In fact, she’s not the only woman that Matthew mentions. Maybe we could look up Matthew chapter 1 for ourselves later on and see if we can spot the others?
There’s a simple reason why women are included in Jesus’ family tree and it’s this – because women and girls are just as important to God as men and boys are.
Let’s press pause and tell each other about some of the women or the girls who are important to us, and why?
Let’s each think of a couple of the women or girls that we’ve just mentioned. Maybe they’ve encouraged or supported us in some way? Let’s whisper their names and say our own prayer of thanks for them. It can be a really simple prayer, like, Dear God, thank you for… and then say their name.
Women and girls are still not treated fairly in many places around the world. They often face specific challenges, for example; some girls aren’t allowed to go to school, and some women aren’t allowed to work.
Loving God, we ASK You to fill these women and girls with Your love. Draw close to them when they feel lonely or afraid. And we pray for justice – we pray that they would be treated fairly and rightly.
As we read the Bible again, let’s listen for a word or a phrase that the Holy Spirit might want to say to us from today’s verses.
Matthew 1:1,16
This is the family history of Jesus Christ. He came from the family of David, and David came from the family of Abraham.
Jacob was the father of Joseph. Joseph was the husband of Mary,and Mary was the mother of Jesus. Jesus is called the Christ.
Matthew 1:1,16 (NCV)
What word or phrase stood out from today’s Bible verses?
And now, let’s say YES to God together.
Lord Jesus, we’re grateful that your family includes everyone, and that everyone is equally loved and equally important. We say a big YES to following Your example; to loving others the way that you do.
After enjoying this time with God and each other, let’s say our memory verse together:
Luke 1:46-47
Then Mary said, ‘My soul praises the Lord; my heart rejoices in God my Savior.’
Luke 1:46-47 (NCV)
Let’s put a hand on our heart.
Father God, fill us with Your love. Help us to love You, and everything that You’ve made.
Let’s point to our eyes.
Lord Jesus, help us to see You, and to see others the way that You see them too.
Let’s point to our ears.
Holy Spirit, help us to hear You, and give us courage to do what You say.
Phil lives close to a beach in the north of England with his wife, his daughters and his dogs. Phil works for 24-7 Prayer, mostly doing Lectio stuff, and helping to run Prayer Spaces in Schools. He runs a lot, usually for long distances. He likes curry, mountains, reading books and he still plays Pokemon Go.
Selah is 14 and she lives in the middle of The USA in Kansas City, with her parents, sisters and dogs. Selah loves adventures and plays (and watches) all kinds of sports. She also enjoys science and likes inventing and building things…especially if they help others in some way.