Let’s get started on getting your prayer room ready! On this page you will find a variety of resources to help you plan, create and run a 24-7 Prayer Room.
Downloadable manual containing everything you need to know about running non-stop prayer in your community.
Frequently asked questions on how to update and edit your prayer room calendar.
Do you want your prayer room to be online, in person, or both? This guide gives you all the information, about running a virtual space, to help you decide.
A collection of guides to inspire creativity in facilitating prayer in your church, you could include some of these ideas in your Prayer Room!
This page is filled with prayer station activities suitable for a variety of ages. Use these to inspire and create your prayer stations.
Send to anyone who is struggling to book their slot on the sign up calendar.
If you have any questions or problems, please email our team: we’re here to support you as you pray.
Our resources and the support of our team is free, and always will be, thanks to the generosity of people like you.
Consider a donation to 24-7 Prayer from yourself or your community