Week: Mark's Gospel
Each day we will simply pray (P.R.A.Y.) together.
P: PAUSING to be still.
R: REJOICING with a Memory Verse and REFLECTING on some verses from the Bible.
A: ASKING God to help us and others.
Y: saying YES to God’s ways.
We start by pausing and taking a deep breath:
In and out.
In and out.
We remember that God is here, and so together we prepare ourselves to be with God.
Jesus, we hear Your invitation, and so we choose to follow You, with all our hearts, with all our minds, with all our souls and with all our strength.
We REJOICE and celebrate God’s goodness with this week’s memory verse:
Read by Eli
Ephesians 5:1
You are God’s children whom he loves, so try to be like him.
Ephesians 5:1 (NCV)
God, help us to remember Your Word.
Today we’re REFLECTING on a conversation that Jesus had with John, one of his disciples. John wasn’t happy with someone who wasn’t part of their group.
Read by Eli
Mark 9:38-41 (NCV)
Mark 9:38-41
Then John said, ‘Teacher, we saw someone using your name to force demons out of a person. We told him to stop, because he does not belong to our group.’ But Jesus said, ‘Don’t stop him, because anyone who uses my name to do powerful things will not easily say evil things about me. Whoever is not against us is with us. I tell you the truth, whoever gives you a drink of water because you belong to the Christ will truly get his reward.’
Crowds of people followed Jesus everywhere he went, because they wanted to hear what He had to say and they wanted to see the things that He did, especially the miracles and healings. Some people started to try and copy the things that Jesus did, which upset John because he felt that only Jesus’ group – the 12 disciples – should be allowed to do things like Jesus.
Let’s press pause and talk about today’s question, which is: What groups are we part of? Maybe it’s clubs or teams, or particular groups of friends?
When John told a man to stop copying Jesus because he wasn’t part of Jesus’ group, Jesus told John, ‘He who is not against us is with us’. In other words, anyone who wants to join us is welcome!
Lord Jesus, help us to be kind and welcoming towards those who aren’t in our friendship groups, those who support other sports teams, those who go to other schools, even those who believe different things to us. Help us to love everyone, just like You do.
Which groups of people can we think of who don’t get on very well?
Lord Jesus, we ASK You to help these groups to see beyond their differences and realise that they are more similar than they think. Help them to be kind and welcoming towards each other.
As we read the Bible again, let’s listen for a word or a phrase that the Holy Spirit might want to say to us from today’s verses.
Mark 9:38-41
Mark 9:38-41 (NCV)
Then John said, ‘Teacher, we saw someone using your name to force demons out of a person. We told him to stop, because he does not belong to our group.’ But Jesus said, ‘Don’t stop him, because anyone who uses my name to do powerful things will not easily say evil things about me. Whoever is not against us is with us. I tell you the truth, whoever gives you a drink of water because you belong to the Christ will truly get his reward.’
What word or phrase stood out from today’s Bible verses?
And now, let’s say YES to God together.
Lord Jesus, we’re so grateful that You have welcomed us and included us in God’s family. We say YES to welcoming and including others too.
After enjoying this time with God and each other, let’s say our memory verse together:
Ephesians 5:1
You are God’s children whom he loves, so try to be like him.
Ephesians 5:1 (NCV)
Let’s put a hand on our heart.
Father God, fill us with Your love. Help us to love You, and everything that You’ve made.
Let’s point to our eyes.
Lord Jesus, help us to see You, and to see others the way that You see them too.
Let’s point to our ears.
Holy Spirit, help us to hear You, and give us courage to do what You say.
Unathi lives in Johannesburg, South Africa, with her husband and 5 kids; and has a passion for seeing families thriving.
You’ll most likely find her homeschooling the tribe, reading, writing, or dreaming about the next DIY project.
She also loves good coffee, dark chocolate and hiking.
Eli is 11 and lives in Melbourne, Victoria with his mum, dad and two younger sisters. He enjoys music, reading, riding his skateboard and playing soccer.