If you take a regular journey to school, college or work, try praying with your eyes: the buildings you pass, the people you see, fellow travellers.
Invite the Holy Spirit to show you new things you maybe hadn’t noticed before.
(Tip: if you’re just getting started, check out our prayer walking page)
If there’s a particular place you pass often, why not use it as a prayer prompt? We’ve got a great blog that explains more:
If you’ve got a phone and headphones, or a stereo in your car, carve out time each day that you’re travelling to listen to worship music, or a song that helps you to connect with God.
Try downloading an app that will help you to turn your commute into a time to focus on God.
Our Lectio 365 app helps you pray the Bible every day, and our Inner Room app reminds you what you’d like to pray for. And, they’ve got audio options too!
Try praying together as a family on a shared journey: Encourage everyone to share something they’re thankful for, and then turn those into prayers!